
“Sing Out Against Domestic Abuse: The Documentary” is a documentary that follows Carly Troyer's "Sing Out Against Domestic Abuse" concert on August 17, 2021, at The Recher Theater in Towson, MD to benefit Turnaround, Inc., a resource for victims of domestic abuse and human trafficking. It features Carly Troyer, Kate Fleming, Mia Ye, Janet Herbert, Jordan Gillis, and Michele Bowman. I worked as the director, cinematographer, and editor of this video.

“Just Say Hello” is a short documentary that gives insight on the everyday life and goals of one of Interlochen Arts Academy’s hall coordinators — Nathan Meyers. I worked as the director, cinematographer, editor, and interviewer in the creation of this piece (see video for full credits).

“Just a Memory,” is a short documentary, capturing the ‘before, during, and after’ of a major surgery, which was performed in order to remove a massive tumor on my kidney. I worked as the director, editor, and cinematographer for this piece (see video for full credits).